New Year Food Party Ideas 2016

Party Foods Ideas For New Year:-

New Year's Eve Foods

Food Ideas:

1. Make a case BYOA - Bring Your Own Drinks

Call your guests and inform them that he is a BYOA event. There are a number of appetizers cheap and easy that your guests can bring, but if someone does not know how to cook or what to bring, suggest raw vegetables and hummus, fruit and flat nut or a plate of cheese and crackers. If someone claims that even those too difficult, ask them to bring a container or two of mixed nuts - you can provide the bowl!

2. Serve Champagne Sangria for Midnight fence

This is an easy and delicious way to reduce costs of champagne that will be enjoyed by all! To make sangria to champagne, just use these ingredients and follow the instructions below:


An apple juice bottle of 32 ounces
A 12-ounce frozen cranberry juice concentrate
A cup of orange juice
A liter and a half of champagne (or ginger ale for a nonalcoholic view)

Keep refrigerated items (or frozen) until needed.
Mix apple juice, concentrated cranberry juice, and orange juice in a large bowl. Mix well.
Add sliced ​​oranges, sliced ​​kiwi and other fruit you like.
Slowly add champagne or ginger ale at the last minute to keep it sparkling.
This recipe serves 12, but you might want to double for thirsty customers!

3. Have a Christmas Eve

After the toast of midnight, close the bar and invite everyone to take part in a midnight supper. A baked potato bar is easy, fun and inexpensive. Cook the biggest potatoes you can find, and follow with dessert!

Put the potatoes in the oven at 400 degrees to about 22:30. They should be done in about an hour.
Define as many toppings as you like: sour cream, bacon bits, chopped green onions, salsa, grated cheese, jalapenos, chives, cooked broccoli steamed, butter, mushrooms, chili, and all that you wish. Everyone set their own potatoes as responsible as they want.
For dessert, serve chocolate cake from a white frosting and colored sprinkles mixture. Serve with ice cream and fudge a little hot sauce.
Make sure to provide coffee with dessert for the record company.
This menu will cost about $ 2 per person, which is very reasonable for a hearty supper. If you want to spend more, make a cheesecake instead for a rich finish to your meal.

4. Remember that timing is everything

Since you want to keep the party jumping (and perhaps beyond) the hour of midnight, consider starting around 10pm. If you prefer to start much earlier, having potato bar ready for about 22 hours so guests do not go hungry.

If your group wants to spend five to six hours together, plan to have a large scale potluck early evening. You can skip the inputs in this case, but still prepare your Eve.

5. Ask guests to bring an Unusual Noisemaker

Having a "craziest buzzer" competition and be sure to shoot video! Replay each person with their buzzer for the crowd and vote on who wins. Provide a prize to the winner, like shells. Then, bring everyone to the general countdown to midnight and create your own racket symphony, rattling, and boom.

6. "Hire" a photographer

Ask a guest to serve as the "official" photographer to take before and after photos, or do it yourself. As guests arrive, invite them to pose with a person sitting and the other standing next to a chair (like an old photograph time - no smiling allowed). You could give the old hats, and perhaps a shawl or scarf for accessories.

Later, take "after midnight" pictures of your guests in their festive holiday outfits showing off their rattles. Post the pictures online to share.

7. Ask your guests to write Predictions for the New Year

Ask your customers to sign their predictions and place them in a bowl or box. Then for dinner, take turns reading forecasts while everyone guess who wrote them. It can be surprising how difficult it is to guess the predictions of friends - and it is a great way to end the night!

Decorations and Atmosphere

8. Hang Handmade Paper Snowflakes ceiling

White snowflakes printer paper in different sizes, plain or accented with silver or clear glitter may be suspended from different lengths of wire or ribbon for a festive effect. You can even scatter some on a table for easy decoration. If you glitter, remember that less is more.

9. Hang lengths Curled Ribbon on New Year's Eve a Iconic

Curling ribbon is very easy, but it looks great everywhere. Try to find the greatest variety, about half an inch thick. You can hang fixtures, doors, lamps, fireplaces, even on the bathroom mirror. Sprinkle some on your loops between meals and midnight buffet.

10. Use of metallic and shimmering Ornaments

Christmas ornaments glittering look wonderful in a bowl as a centerpiece. You can also hang crude decoration balls from a lamp on a table using different lengths of ribbon in the colors of your theme. They also look great hanging in front of a mirror.

11. Set all the candles you the owner

Go all the candles you can find in your home, and consider purchasing a cheap bag lanterns, which can be put into glasses, canning jars, or even apples.