Christmas Day 

Christian celebrate Christmas Day on 25 December every year. It's a tradition that celebrate for Jesus Christ's birthday but mostly aspects for this holiday have Heathen origins.  On Christmas event people give and take gifts from each-other to show there love they're also decorate their homes, gardens and prepare special foods for this festival

What people do on Christmas day?

Prior to Christmas Day, People activities that describe below
  • Christmas Trees.
  • Tiny Fairy lights.
  • Leave & Berry from holy trees mistletoe bushes.
  • Various decoration that spark Christmas mood.
Shopping streets in several towns and cities also often imported from Norway in particular, are decorated with lights and large pine trees. Some places have arranged a Christmas scene. The statues or actors and using live animals illustrates the story of Jesus' birth. Many churches hold special services at night before Christmas day.

Many people with whom they exchanged gifts and cards, to spend Christmas Day with family members. Many children small gifts on their bed or elsewhere in the house filled with a sock or stocking to wake up. It is believed that lasts for most of the year at the North Pole, the 'Father Christmas' or 'Santa Claus', a mythical figure has brought. He travels in a sleigh pulled by reindeer and enters houses by climbing down the chimney. He said that each house of mince pies and brandy is expected to enjoy a small snack. In some stories, elves help him with some of his work, though he is considered a night he can deliver gifts to all the children that travels so fast.

They usually do not go to church, even later in the day, people may attend special church services. Almost everyone prepares and eats a particular food. The roast turkey, potatoes and parsnips, and other vegetables. After the main course, Christmas pudding is eaten often. The dried fruits and nuts filled with a heavy, steamed, thick, pudding-like cake. This is done, as the burning brandy often giving a spectacular effect, put this on. Mince Pies on Christmas Day, are also popular. They dried fruits, sweet pastry filled with a mixture of fat and alcohol are matters.

Public Day

Hospitals and homes for the homeless to almost all organizations, are closed on Christmas Day. Many public houses and small stores sell food for a few hours in the middle of the day may open. Public transport services and to run their normal timelines may not run at all. Public life on Christmas Day closes down almost completely. Many churches hold special services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Nothing is homeless or in need of help, for those who shelter, and food held company. Others return to the spiritual aspects of Christmas and the commercial aspects of modern Christmas celebrations to turn away from those who wish to hold events.

Background and symbols

Christmas in Bethlehem two thousand years ago to the day, often to celebrate the birth of Christ is seen. However, many aspects of the festivities of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland have their origins in pagan traditions. These, houses, pieces of evergreen trees to light the fire is holding parties and special foods include. Christian missionaries to convert the inhabitants of these countries, many of these customs were incorporated into Christian celebrations. There are many Christmas icons. The leaves and berries of holly trees and mistletoe bush, pine trees, candles and small lights. Father Christmas or Santa Claus figures associated with the weather, Baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph and other characters from the Christmas story. Presents and Christmas food such as turkey, Christmas pudding and mince pies are also a symbol of Christmas. A special mention should be reserved for a robin red breast. This small bird, with its red breast feathers in the middle of winter is at its most beautiful and often cake wrapping paper, Christmas cards is seen as a decoration. >

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