Morning Quotes

Good morning inspirational quotes with images
Mornings are gifts of God
Brand new day,
Brand new journey,
Enjoy it, embrace it!

Good Morning..

3 things you cannot recover in life:
The WORD after it's said,
the MOMENT after it's missed,
and the TIME after it's gone.
Have a nice Day!

Good morning.. Dream a little dream!

God wouldn't give you the ability
to dream without the ability
to make your dreams come true.
Never stop dreaming!

Morning is a wonderful opportunity

To wish
To love
To care
To Smile
and To see you in good mood.
Good Morning!
Have a lovely Day!

Thanksgiving Prayer For A New Day:

I give thanks to you,
my heavenly Father,
through Jesus Christ your dear Son,
that you have protected me
through the night
from all danger and harm.
I ask you that you
would also protect me today
from sin and all evil,
so that my life and actions
may please you completely.
For into your hands
I commend myself:
my body, my sould,
and all that is mine.
Let your holy angel
be with me,
so that the wicked foe
may have no power over me.

A cup of a very hot hello's,

A plate of a nice crispy wishes,
A spoon of sweet smiles
and A slice of awesome success.
Hope this breakfast makes your day lovely!
Good morning!

The minute you think of giving up any relationship,

Think of the reasons why you held it so long.
Good morning and have a nice day.

Let this wonderful morning bring you...

New freshness!
New confidence!
And, new success!
Good Morning and have a good Day!

The road to success isn't a superhighway.

It's a rugged mountain trail found only by visionaries
and traveled only by the most courageous
and persevering.
Have a Beautiful Day!

You've failed many times,

Although you don't remember.
You fell down the first time you tried to walk.
You almost drowned the first time
You tried to swim. Don't worry about failure.
My suggestion to each of you:
Worry about the chances you miss
When you don't even try.
Have a Beautiful Day

Dear Lord,

So far today, I am doing all right.
I have not gossiped, lost my temper,
been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish,
or self-indulgent. I have not whined,
complained, cursed, or eaten any
chocolate. I have charged
nothing on my credit card.
But I will be getting out of bed in a minute,
and I think that I will really need your help then.

Good Morning!

I just wanted to share
a virtual cup of coffee with you...
I thought it would be a nice way
to begin our day.

I hope today you would find your Best Good Morning Quotes, Morning Quotes And Good Morning Messages Sms.

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