Good morning Exercise tips for young boys
HY, My dear!
Sunday,7 Aug on the calendar and that means the time of technical notes on the ABCs of Good Morning exercise.Today we look at the slopes of the exercise with a barbell on your shoulders, namely learn all about the performance of the technique, advantages, and muscular atlas, also carry out some comparative analysis and identify the feasibility of its implementation.
Remember the main character of the film "Queen of the Gas Station" - "Lyudmila-good evening"? And so, at the slopes of the exercise with a barbell on your shoulders has a second name - "Good morning." It was under such a nickname, it introduces visitors to gyms, and that we learn about him the whole story. I must say that a good morning exercise is not particularly popular in kashaya and fit on yashmak. It is understandable, because its main objective is not a set of mass or rounded buttocks, and therefore they can be neglected. In addition, in the textbooks and on a variety of network resource information on "good morning" very little, except that the transmission on the first channel :).Therefore, today we are going to correct the situation and analyze in detail the slopes with a barbell on your shoulders off.
Muscle atlas
Such unusual name of the exercise "good morning" due to the similarity of movements performed by man with bow chief luminary, forward bend back. This is how we welcome the sun and that is why some kachёnku wanted to call the exercise "good morning".
It is said that the slopes with a barbell on the shoulders of the most actively used lifters (not keepers of the elevators in the building) and, apparently, there are reasons, and chief among them - to develop large muscles of the so-called "back of the circuit."
Muscle Atlas includes:
- primary muscles - mid / lower back, lats, back of the thigh;
- synergists - the gluteus maximus and adductor;
- stabilizers - extensor muscles of the spine;
- antagonists stabilizers - direct / oblique abdominal muscles.
Benefits of morning Exercise
Is inclined with a barbell on your shoulders, you will receive the following benefits:
- elaboration of several muscle groups;
- strengthening of the extensor muscles of the spine along its entire length;
- development of strength back;
- a synergistic effect on the development of the lumbar and gluteal muscles, which is useful during the execution of the classic basic exercises ;
- strengthening isometric position back arch athlete back;
- improving the stability of the athlete in the basic movements;
- strengthening of the transmission power projectile athlete;
- the progression of weight in various exercises of traction;
- better posture;
- prevention of vertebral problems;
- rehabilitative effects after back injuries.
Technology Implementation
Exercise refers to the category of "thin-performed" step by step and requires compliance with the following techniques.
Step NO 1.
Take the neck from the stem and place it on his back in the position you normally squat. Stand with your feet slightly podsognite, set up a little wider than shoulder width, toes slightly expand sideways. Push your upper back, squeeze the shoulder blades and do arch in the lower back sag. This is your starting position.
Step NO 2.
Keeping your back straight, lean forward over the bar. During the retraction movement buttocks back and keep the arch in your back. Continue to tilt up until your body is parallel floor. Follow the reverse movement by reducing the buttocks, hamstrings and lower back. Repeat the predetermined number of repetitions.